Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Living daylights and the rise of Katahdin

Writting the events of the day have come with a heavier burden since the Vortex of approaching summit has been drawing us in. The simple act of posting this new entry in the last town on the AT makes another day on my limited time schedule disappear. 
      I have made a few good hiking friends who are also in the "last days made to remember" mindset.  A group mentality has formed within the back of the pack. Some have broken off to hurry ahead by hitch-hiking north, which is called yellow blazing, to Monson so they can catch some friends or because a plane tickets burns the bottoms of their soles. 
    Others still catch up but end up bobbing back and forth to the group vortex until they are a day behind. I am also sure I will see them again before the summit.
     This morning I ate the famous Shaw's breakfast which the hostel serves for $7 a person no matter how much or little you eat. The only thing you have to do is say a number but with that number comes equal parts of pancakes, bacon, sausage, eggs and hash browns. I did 4 this morning; it was hard to finish the pancakes at the end but I must try to fatten up for the 100 miles of wilderness coming up. 
    I also bought a collapseable fishing rod with the hopes of catching a trout or two while passing the many pristine ponds dotting the multi colored trees sloping down the valley. Although I don't consider myself a fisherman, I like the idea of spending some time by the water in complete calm during the pre dawn. Making ripples with the casting of my lure with hopes of catching dinner to live off the land one more time is what I look forward to.
   Whatever the day brings I will be happy. It has been a wonderful journey.    


  1. Yeahhh Fred, I am so happy for you ! Monson is very near the end of the trail, and yet the trail is forever there !
    Ton popa qui t'aime et qui est fier de toi !

  2. Roll over a few logs and look for some worms. Trout love 'em. Rainbow lake and streams running into it would be good to try. BTW..Millinocket is the LAST trail town - not Monson. See my article in AT Journeys Mag. http://bit.ly/HJiRf
    Enjoy the 100 and congrats at the summit.

  3. Bravo pour ton courage et ta persévérance, je pense tous les jours à toi. j'espère que tu vas attrapper des truites, elles sont super bonnes, Richard nous en avait rapportées d'une expédition de pêche avec un copain dans sa jeunesse..Tu es guéri de ton rhume ? Tant mieux.. bisoux MM.

  4. fredo! nice man. nice. i blew it though and did not get anything in the mail. however, i'm not sure putting a bottle of maker's in the mail was gonna be the best option. how bout this, next time is see you, we'll sip some together. can't wait to catch up.
